Hello Guys,
I actively started trying to lose weight since the last week in March. I might slip-up a little on the calories, but I exercise a TON (it seems). I run about 15-20 miles/week, go on a 20-30 mile bike ride 1x/week, stretch and do yoga. Since March I have lost 12 pounds, but approx. 30 inches. How is this even possible? I am getting happier with the way I look, but would love to see the scale go down as well. I eat well (vegetarian- LOTS of fruits, veggies and water), but I eat out 2-3x/week and maybe that is where my trouble is? Marketing Case Study Examples are used to help you see how the past projects and scenarios were addressed to market their offering and reach new audience. I track calories and go anywhere between 1500-1800. I know 1800 is high, but I thought I was burning quite a bit as well.