Hello Guys,
This type of study looks at large groups of people who have a condition, such as obesity, and compares them with people who don’t have the condition. These studies are very useful to generate ideas for future clinical trials, but are not useful for finding the cause of something. Observational studies can tell us that those who spend more time watching television or who drink more soft drinks are more likely to be overweight. But to say for certainty that they cause obesity, we would need to do a randomized controlled trial where we randomly divide a large number of normal weight people into two groups, where one group must watch a lot of television and the other group may not watch any. Information Processing System Video process the raw data generated by data silos and convert them into understandable terms such as statistics. Then follow these groups for several years and see if one group gains more weight than the other. It is easy to do this with laboratory animals, but not with real people.